Friday, February 4, 2011

The Winter Blues

Winter is not my favorite time of year.  It's too cold, it get's dark too early, and let's not forget, the snow and ice.  It keeps us inside way too much and way too often.  I do tend to get the blues during the winter months.  I don't know if it is the lack of sunlight or maybe just that I feel more isolated during this time.  Although, I am trying to socialize more, I do still spend a lot of time alone.  The weather makes it hard to make or keep plans with others right now.  I have found that having hobbies and trying to do other things has helped.  I can crochet, I read, I love movies, I am learning to play a new musical instrument, and of course, now I am writing this blog.  I have also signed up to volunteer once a month at a center that provides free food, free clothing and even a little conversation to the homeless and people in need.  It always feels good to help someone else.  These things don't always chase away the blues completely, but they do help.  One thing that really helps is spending time with family and friends when I can.  My Mom and I like to go play Bingo when it's possible.  That get's us both out of the house and allows us to spend time together too.   My job doesn't help much either.  The type of work I do means that when I go inside that building in the morning, I can't come out, for any reason, until I lock up at night.  And except for two days a week, I work alone.  My long days start at 8:30 am and end at 7:15 pm.   So I am shut in most of the time.  I can't wait until it get's a little warmer and it's nicer out to go for walks.  Getting outside and breathing fresh air is always a mood-lifter.  I am always aware of the possibility of becoming depressed and really try to do as much as possible to stay positive.  Winter only last a few months.  The rest of the year, I am fine.  It is twice as likely with someone who has diabetes to develop depression.  So, the winter blues can be damaging to a diabetic.   I touched on this a little in last night's post, but am going to add some information tonight for anyone who thinks they might be depressed but aren't sure.  Some of the signs of depression are as follows:                                                   
1. Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" mood                                                       
2. Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism                                                                
3. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness                                            
4. Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex                                                                                            
5. Decreased energy, fatigue, being "slowed down"                                                 
These are just a few.  For more of the signs of depression, and to learn more about treatment options, just click here: Signs of Depression and Treatment Options and scroll down until you see the list.  Under the list of signs is the link in blue for the Treatment Options.  People with diabetes who have a history of depression are twice as likely to develop diabetes complications, such as eye, kidney and nerve diseases.  For a list of other complications, click here:  Complications with Diabetes and scroll down to the list.  Please if you have five or more of the signs of depression and they last for at least two weeks or more as this link advises, seek treatment.  We have to love ourselves and take care of ourselves first before we can take care of anyone else.   Here's to our Health!

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