Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dealing with the Stigmas of Diabetes

I touched on this a little in a recent post, but feel it is well worth further discussion.  As I said before, there is a belief that people with Diabetes are just lazy and eat too much and have basically brought this disease on themselves.  I, for one, like many of you, I'm sure, am not lazy and never have been.  Yes, at times I have eaten too much and haven't always taken such good care of myself as I should have.  But, that is in the past and now I am taking much better care of myself.  I have dealt with being overweight most of my life and have dealt with other's prejudices and at times still do.  But, I have lost close to 60 pounds and am losing more every day and if anyone else can't see what kind of person I am and how hard I am trying to improve my health, then they will never be truly worthy of my friendship or any kind of relationship with me at all.  I try really hard every day to forgive and forget, and I pray for those who can't look past their prejudices and see how truly special we all are.  We are to love each other as God loves us...........AS WE ARE, and that is the only thing I will accept.  That is the only thing we should all accept.  God made each of us beautiful and special.  We need to remember this when we get discouraged.  Please, if you have comments, I really would be interested in reading them.  Sorry to be so short tonight, but am going to go hang out with some friends tonight at Dilly's for some good music.  Have a good evening.

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