Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making it Simple:New recipe column-Diabetes 24-7

Making it simple: Spinach pasta, summer squash and mozzarella – Yum!

by Elizabeth Snouffer on 05/24/2011

I have been asked to write out my recipes for the website, so expect them at least bi-weekly. (Applause please).  I may get some flack for the first recipe I have chosen to include as many of diabetes 24-7 readers do not like carbohydrates, but I do and I have found healthy ways of incorporating them into my diet.  How?  In two simple words – portion size.  Another behavior I stick with is choosing healthier foods rich in vitamins and complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.  This recipe achieves that – if you use the right type of pasta.

Today’s recipe is healthy and quick – two things that don’t often  go hand-in-hand.

Vegetable pastas are a healthy alternative to regular durum wheat pastas because they may aid in digestion, and are thought to lower blood pressure — even cholesterol.  Reasons for these special health benefits are related to the vitamins associated with the added vegetable purees.  Product wise, the spinach pasta I will use in the recipe today is nuttier in taste (I like that) than a white pasta and is less sticky. 


1 pack fresh Fettucinne Verde, Basilico and Spinach by RANA brand – 250 grams (DeBoles dry pasta is good too – although higher in carbohydrates)
Per 50 grams = 24 grams carbohydrate of which less than .5%  is sugar
2 medium sized courgettes/zucchini and
1 medium sized yellow squash
(All squashes like yellow or green zucchini have approximately 5-6 grams of carbohydrate each when medium size. I use two types of squash for the variety of taste and colour).
2 small scallions
200 grams fresh mozzarella (I use Galbani, but there are many brands to choose from or get the really fresh “stuff” from your Italian deli)
Part skim mozzarella has 15 grams of fat while whole has 22 per 100 grams.
2 tablespoon olive oil
Salt to taste if allowed

Step 1 Put water on heat for pasta.  Chop all the squash into 1 cm half circles.  Finely chop scallions.

Step 2 Saute the above for 5-7 minutes in 1/2 tablespoon olive oil and a pinch of salt.  Put aside.

Step 3 While water is coming into boil, cut 200 grams of mozzarella into 1/2 inch rectangles.

Step 4 Put pasta in boiling water and turn down heat to simmer.  Fresh pasta takes 4 minutes.  Set table while you wait!

Step 5 Drain pasta, leaving a tiny bit of water in pot.  Add 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil (my family often asks me to leave this out), and add mozzarella to pot of hot pasta.  Stir through.

Step 6 Tumble about 50-75 grams of pasta into pasta bowls and spoon summer squash on top.  Put heaps of it on – it’s good for you.  My 10-year old loves it!

SERVE with cucumber slices and whole wheat bread.  A perfect, light and easy late Spring or Summer dish.  Total calories per serving about 30 grams of carbohydrate and 4-6 grams of fat depending on how much mozzarella you eat and which type.  Eat more – go for the skim!

Buon appetito!

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