Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Great Soda Debate-A Ban on Soda by March 2013 in New York

I very rarely have a soda, and it has been that way since my early twenties.  When I do want one, I drink a coke.  I drink water, milk, orange juice, coffee and hot and iced tea.  So, for me, the soda has never been a big issue.  I do know, however, that for a lot of people, it is.                                                                                                                     

A BAN ON SODA by MARCH 2013 in New York? What do YOU think?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Get Support in Managing Type 2

When you were first diagnosed what helped comfort you the most?
Learn how you can keep things under control with tips to improve your sex life, stick with a fitness program, become a better advocate for yourself and your health, and much more.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mediterranean Diet Protects Against Type 2

A delicious Mediterranean menu may just protect against Type 2.

Click to learn more!
The Mediterreanean diet is rich in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, but low in meat, dairy products and alcohol. Can it protect against diabetes?

Best At Home Breakfast Foods

Choose the best breakfast for your diabetic diet based on high-calorie, medium-calorie, and low-calorie options. Plus, see how much fat and carbs these common breakfast foods contain.